Friday, April 16, 2010

PSP GO is a disaster...anyone agree that ...

I think: OK, they made a psp go which makes it easier to travel around with a console....WAIT? so what the hell is the other psp's for?are they not here to let you have games on the travel? FULL UMD GAMES.OK, there are some full games on PSstore...but face can download games to the other psp's aswell, the difference:THE DIFFERENCE:''Hey, let's make a new, slimmer psp and remove everything that makes it awesome...UMD....let's let people settle with demo's and pretty ass lame games from the PSstore...'' ma gadPSP GO is a disaster...anyone agree that ...
Mmmm, hyperbole; yeah, it's awful being stuck with lame games like FF7 and 8, GoW, Resistance, Daxter, and 200-300 othersPSP GO is a disaster...anyone agree that ...
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hmm...I came to this thread expecting to see a little debate about to start over which was better PSP GO or the original PSPs. But after seeing what the OP had to say about it. This thread is doomed to fail, badly.
I own a PSP and I have to say, the PSP in general is a disaster.
Want to know why UMDs suck?1. They're so noisy2. Unless you use Data Install, UMD's load terribly.3. They're brittle4. They easily drain your PSP battery's remaining power5. Read my ''My PSP's UMD Drive got killed by ants!!!'' thread.
I stick with the 3000.
i like my go
[QUOTE=''ColdP1zza'']I own a PSP and I have to say, the PSP in general is a disaster.[/QUOTE]

2nd time i have noticed you bash psp in this psp forum. i know you hate your psp a lot, why not just burn it? it's ok, i think nintendo DS is a piece of crap, and i would not touch it with a stick, just like i would not touch something else with a stick that comes out from people's behind. if a free nintendo ds was given to me, i would donate it to a kid in need instead to see a smile in their face.
I disagree... I've owned both and I love the GO...
If PSP 4000 or go 2 had a hardrive and playable UMDs that will be perfect
EVERYBODY AGREES! What were they thinking?! Anyway, you're spot on.

Apparently not...
I love my Go, I had a 1000 since its launch, and the Go made for a perfect transition for me; as I got to play all the UMD only games that I wanted to play that are not on the store. Also it fits easily in my pockets, while the original psp did not (usually just put it in my bag).
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[QUOTE=''tekken220'']Want to know why UMDs suck?1. They're so noisy2. Unless you use Data Install, UMD's load terribly.3. They're brittle4. They easily drain your PSP battery's remaining power5. Read my ''My PSP's UMD Drive got killed by ants!!!'' thread.[/QUOTE]Not to mention the UMD drive is extremely cheap/fragile looking . I wish Sony would have taken more time on the design.
I've played on the 1000 model, and I had the 3000 model shortly before getting my Go. And I have to say that the Go is exactly what I had expected to be: a wonderfully convenient handheld capable of storing some of my favorite movies, games, and music, all into one slick portable package! And with having all that in a single device with no plastic cases or UMD's required, made it pretty ideal in my book!
Dude you nailed it, those are the exact reasons why the PSP Go sucks.
Well for someone like me I just can't afford it. I can't afford to pay full price for every game I want. And I think it sucks that I can't trade my games back in when I'm done. It's just way too much money, and yeah. I mean really, I'd rather pay 28 for a used UMD, or even 40 for it new, than 50 for a download
^ ?I don't even think there's a single game on the PSP PSN thats $50

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